🏠 Цілодобовий координаційний центр Ужгородської міської ради

0312 42 80 29

0312 42 80 30

050 990 5100

🏠 Цілодобовий пункт розподілу населення за адресою вул. Ференца Ракоці, 2 («Совине гніздо»).

It's not easy to implement good projects, but it's extremely nice to be remembered! The Stanov and Ganderovitsa community were lucky with the village head of Іван Yovbak , who has no significant budget managed to ensure quality functioning of school, kindergarten and roads. Creative approach, working with international NGOs like NEEKA Ukraine and Albert Pircsak, ideas on village building, tourism development and investor finding results. And if every head of the UTC and the old age of the district, we will have sustainable development and quality of life of citizens.

On December 10, the international community celebrates Human Rights Day. 🌍
Seemingly two words ′′ human rights ′′ and their meaning includes everything without which a person does not imagine their life in this world.
No matter what continent you were born on and live, what religion you profess and what color your skin is. You are a HUMAN, which means you have rights ⚖.
NEEKA Region Carpathian Region team be part of 🤝 such a noble cause of human rights protection and assistance in their implementation - great success and motivation to continue helping refugees, seekers of protection and stateless persons be full members of society 👪.
Вже 20 років МФОЗНС «Регіон Карпат» NEEKA здійснює своє плавання в одному човні з
UNHCR Ukraine - Aгентство ООН у справах біженців в Україні